Hi Dancers and Parents,
We have distributed pink registration forms to all dancers so we could enroll our returning MBADA students in their prospective classes before we open classes to new students signing up for the new season.
It is important we have all of our MBADA dancers register this week or by the latest this coming Tuesday, July 28th. As an added incentive, parents registering this week (or prior to this week) will receive a discount in fees. It is important for our business to stay on course and release our new fall schedule soon.
As you know, we prefer our classes to be small and separated. As such, we are asking everyone to turn in their forms with payment this week or this Friday, July 24th at our “In-Studio Registration” from 5:30-7pm. We will allow parents to enter in at the door one at a time Friday evening.
If you prefer to turn in your paperwork/ payment this week please contact Ms Maureen for the amount due.
Studio hours to turn in registration this week:
Wed 5-6pm
Thurs 6-8pm
If you would like to turn in your pink registration form/payment to your teacher, please contact Ms Maureen for the amount and enclose the payment in an envelope.
We appreciate your attention to this and we are so excited that each of our classes are doing so great!!!
Thank you in advance for your cooperation,
Ms Maureen and your MBADA staff